When backdating from start of when first subscribed; it takes a very long time for it to reflect on the graph and calendar, for example date entered for Jan 2017 did 2-3 months at a time every few mins! it finally caught up with current date which is Dec 2021 after more than an hour! it should take seconds.
So from my understanding, I should see "$3206.24" under "Monthly" on the chart and when selecting the "1 month" dropdown, I should only see any of those costs only one time. Instead it says "$6062.48" under "Monthly" and I see almost all of those costs twice on the chartAnd if you want to see what double your monthly costs are, you should be able to by selecting the 2 month interval. Also, I think you guys should add a feature where there is one more calculation done and output across whatever the selected date range is. So if I want to see my subscription costs across the past month, I select "1 month" and that number is updated. If I want to see my costs across the past quarter, I select "quarter" and again, that number is updated. As it is now, selecting new date ranges, only updates the graph, which is a start, but really not super helpful without seeing a number to represent that total IMO
Basically show Month wise data not each sub in that particular month. Also, When I look at these graphs (whether Subs or Monthly), Iβd like to see how much I spent in Oct vs Nov vs other months, or this quarter vs last quarter, this year vs last year, etc., Therefore, the current graph isnβt helping me to do that
<p>Our focus was for desktop, But we recognize that the mobile view should be usable. We will work on this and atleast cover the most common screen resolutions. </p><p>Plan for 2022 is for a Native Mobile App :)</p>
<p>We will have and use Tags to manage reporting, Filters and much more.. once the app has take shape</p><p>we need creative and new ideas to make this function user to our end users.</p>
<p>Search and Filter option for tags and other fields is urgently required, for example like to filter SaaS that have tags "streaming" "social" but unable to do this currently</p>
<p>Provide a way to capture addons purchases against Lifetime purchases. </p><p>ex: Pabbly LTD account - 100$ addon 29$ to capture additional purchases. </p><ol><li>We will add a button inside of the sub screen "Addon"</li><li>This addon when pressed will be copy the existing details of the sub and creating a new one. </li><li>The new addon will reference this sub and can be a one time or recurring in nature. </li><li>Introduce new field "Sub_addon" and another field to capture the reference sub id. </li><li>When sub is deleted, Addons will be also deleted.</li><li style="box-sizing:inherit">When sub is Cancelled, Addons will be also cancelled, addons can be deleted or cancelled individually. </li><li> Add a new Label "Addon" to show for the subs. </li><li>An LTD can have a Sub addons and Vice Versa. </li><li>Adapt import/export feature with this addon feature. </li><li>Combine this feature with</li></ol>
<p>Develop a reports section to filter data and see projects of saving and LTD accounts over and above the dashboard. </p><p>Reporting should contain the following</p><ol><li>Calendar view or downloadable view of the monthly outflow anticipated for subscriptions</li><li>Expense statement that can be downloaded for Yearly, quarterly or a specific period, with categories such as annual subscription, LTD, monthly subs etc.</li><li>For a particular SaaS what has been the lifetime spend till date? E.g. If a user has subscribed Pabbly for $9 per month and the user checks it on a particular date (15 months after subscription), then it should show that the total spend so far is $9*15, i.e. $135</li></ol>
<p><img src="" style="width:487px" class="fr-fic fr-dib" /></p><p>Presently the app calculates the next date for monthly reminder as 30 days. </p><ul><li>Some apps might charge like this every 30 days and raise their invoices, but some services charge on a particular date per month. </li><li>Allow per sub to enable calculation per days or per date.(Toggle?)</li><li>add a settings inside of user settings to default day or date logic. </li></ul>
<p>Please let user customize columns in dashboard. I preferto see next payment instead of "date of purchase". Thanks</p><ol><li>We are adding Next payment date in sub change, view to allow user to overide their next payment. </li><li>this date field will not be present in quick add or add. </li><li>This field also will not be present in import csv. </li><li>Move over to Date field only instead of Date/time</li></ol>
<p>Currently, there are only "Recurring" or "Once". There are subscriptions that we paused and stopped paying, but would like to have those recorded for spending history</p><p>Also Another user posted that to have a status called Refunded.</p><ol><li>Allow users via the action button to Set the subs as "Refunded" </li><li style="box-sizing:inherit">Allow users via the action button to Set the subs as "Paused"</li></ol><p>Paused - The Sub will not repeat, this very similar to presently the Cancelled Status. </p><p>Refunded - This will be new status, Here, We reverse any calc done/mark them for deletion. LTD can also be refunded. </p>