2.65 - Plan Limit Fixes and Subscription History Update
  1. Fixed folder plan limit.
  2. Fixed tags plan limit.
  3. Fixed payment plan limit.
  4. Fixed alerts plan limit.
  5. Fixed the history fix cron task for cases with removed subscriptions.
2.62 - Fixes For Application Mass Updates and Filtering
  1. Fix the mass update of the status.
  2. Fix the product type name on the mass update page.
  3. Fix tags input in the subscription adding popup on the mass update page.
  4. Fix the subscription adding on the mass update page.
  5. Fix the mass update type filter.
  6. Fix the filter button on the report page.
2.51 - Bug Fixes For Currency, Subscription Management, and Calendar Functionality
  1. Fix the default folder currency.
  2. Fix the incorrect folder type at subscription adding.
  3. Fix coupons button.
  4. Fix teams accounts processing.
  5. Fix calendar for user.
  6. Fix custom subscription names in the calendar.
  7. Fix email refund edit in calendar for expired day.
  8. Fix events date in calendar.
  9. Fix creating subscription with empty refund days.
  10. Fix time for notifications.
2.40 - Fixes and Optimization for Subscriptions, Alerts, Webhooks, and Cron Jobs
  1. Fix subscriptions pagination.
  2. Alert profile fixed.
  3. Webhook tags fixed.
  4. Fix stuck of cron functions.
  5. Fix ltd number and value for folder select.
  6. Optimize speed and memory usage of cron misc job.
  7. Fix currency folder check for text input of folder name at subscription adding.
  8. Fix subscription creating after history table cleanup.
  9. Fix cron schedule after history table cleanup.
  10. Fix register new account.
Backend & API Fixes
  1. API delete issue fix
  2. Team account user name fix
  3. Fix user id to migrate files - attachements
  4. Disable subscription history button
  5. Fix Woo webhook refund order
  6. Product dropdown improvements on Subscrioption popups
Minor fixes
  1. Fix csv encoding for import products
  2. Subscription charts fix
Minor UI- Subs #1

Make Check button to how billing date toggle is. 
Fix this Button so it looks more elegant.
Some Subs screen improements. 

Better Backdated support

When backdating from start of when first subscribed; it takes a very long time for it to reflect on the graph and calendar, for example date entered for Jan 2017 did 2-3 months at a time every few mins! it finally caught up with current date which is Dec 2021 after more than an hour! it should take seconds.

Lifetime Value Calc
  1. Introduce fields in Subs to capture the Lifetime value of a Sub, Similar to point 2.
  2. Use frequency, value, cycle for lifetime Products.
  3. Use frequency, value, cycle for lifetime Subs, copy from products.
  4. Allow user to update this in change mode for lifetime subs.
  5. add this field for Product CSV import and also Subs user import/Export fields.
  6. Update all existing customer subs with defaults from product table.
Webhook Log - Cleanup

<ol><li>Add schedule function to clear webhook logs from main site. </li><li>Allow days variable to control the cleanup logs by days. </li></ol>

Chart Calc - Improvements

So from my understanding, I should see "$3206.24" under "Monthly" on the chart and when selecting the "1 month" dropdown, I should only see any of those costs only one time. Instead it says "$6062.48" under "Monthly" and I see almost all of those costs twice on the chartAnd if you want to see what double your monthly costs are, you should be able to by selecting the 2 month interval. Also, I think you guys should add a feature where there is one more calculation done and output across whatever the selected date range is. So if I want to see my subscription costs across the past month, I select "1 month" and that number is updated. If I want to see my costs across the past quarter, I select "quarter" and again, that number is updated. As it is now, selecting new date ranges, only updates the graph, which is a start, but really not super helpful without seeing a number to represent that total IMO  

Basically show Month wise data not each sub in that particular month. Also, When I look at these graphs (whether Subs or Monthly), I’d like to see how much I spent in Oct vs Nov vs other months, or this quarter vs last quarter, this year vs last year, etc., Therefore, the current graph isn’t helping me to do that

Field Tooltips - Across Application

<p>On hover tip with information on what to put in each field and example</p>

Mobile view - Fix for usability

<p>Our focus was for desktop, But we recognize that the mobile view should be usable. We will work on this and atleast cover the most common screen resolutions. </p><p>Plan for 2022 is for a Native Mobile App :)</p>

Tags Management & Reporting

<p>We will have and use Tags to manage reporting, Filters and much more.. once the app has take shape</p><p>we need creative and new ideas to make this function user to our end users.</p>

<p>Search and Filter option for tags and other fields is urgently required, for example like to filter SaaS that have tags "streaming" "social" but unable to do this currently</p>

LifeTime - Addons

<p>Provide a way to capture addons purchases against Lifetime purchases. </p><p>ex: Pabbly LTD account - 100$ addon 29$ to capture additional purchases. </p><ol><li>We will add a button inside of the sub screen "Addon"</li><li>This addon when pressed will be copy the existing details of the sub and creating a new one. </li><li>The new addon will reference this sub and can be a one time or recurring in nature. </li><li>Introduce new field "Sub_addon" and another field to capture the reference sub id. </li><li>When sub is deleted, Addons will be also deleted.</li><li style="box-sizing:inherit">When sub is Cancelled, Addons will be also cancelled, addons can be deleted or cancelled individually. </li><li> Add a new Label "Addon" to show for the subs. </li><li>An LTD can have a Sub addons and Vice Versa. </li><li>Adapt import/export feature with this addon feature. </li><li>Combine this feature with https://app.productstash.io/subshero?card=61da653e49fcc4002a4be5cc</li></ol>

Report Section

<p>Develop a reports section to filter data and see projects of saving and LTD accounts over and above the dashboard. </p><p>Reporting should contain the following</p><ol><li>Calendar view or downloadable view of the monthly outflow anticipated for subscriptions</li><li>Expense statement that can be downloaded for Yearly, quarterly or a specific period, with categories such as annual subscription, LTD, monthly subs etc.</li><li>For a particular SaaS what has been the lifetime spend till date? E.g. If a user has subscribed Pabbly for $9 per month and the user checks it on a particular date (15 months after subscription), then it should show that the total spend so far is $9*15, i.e. $135</li></ol>

Subs - Date Vs Days

<p><img src="https://productstash-storage.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/images/5f72ddcd66871900299815f8/61a9f5eb321b08002aa98dd9/1639752588495.png" style="width:487px" class="fr-fic fr-dib" /></p><p>Presently the app calculates the next date for monthly reminder as 30 days. </p><ul><li>Some apps might charge like this every 30 days and raise their invoices, but some services charge on a particular date per month. </li><li>Allow per sub to enable calculation per days or per date.(Toggle?)</li><li>add a settings inside of user settings to default day or date logic. </li></ul>

Next Payment

<p>Please let user customize columns in dashboard. I preferto see next payment instead of "date of purchase". Thanks</p><ol><li>We are adding Next payment date in sub change, view to allow user to overide their next payment. </li><li>this date field will not be present in quick add or add. </li><li>This field also will not be present in import csv. </li><li>Move over to Date field only instead of Date/time</li></ol>

Subscription type to add "Paused" or "Refunded"

<p>Currently, there are only "Recurring" or "Once". There are subscriptions that we paused and stopped paying, but would like to have those recorded for spending history</p><p>Also Another user posted that to have a status called Refunded.</p><ol><li>Allow users via the action button to Set the subs as "Refunded" </li><li style="box-sizing:inherit">Allow users via the action button to Set the subs as "Paused"</li></ol><p>Paused - The Sub will not repeat, this very similar to presently the Cancelled Status. </p><p>Refunded - This will be new status, Here, We reverse any calc done/mark them for deletion. LTD can also be refunded. </p>

Remove the Lifetime deal upgrade button for LTD users πŸ™‚

Remove the Lifetime deal upgrade button and notifications for LTD users πŸ™‚

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