2.65 - Plan Limit Fixes and Subscription History Update
  1. Fixed folder plan limit.
  2. Fixed tags plan limit.
  3. Fixed payment plan limit.
  4. Fixed alerts plan limit.
  5. Fixed the history fix cron task for cases with removed subscriptions.
2.64 - Creating a folder using Quick Add
  1. Creating a folder using Quick Add
2.63 - Improvements for Application Notifications and Subscription Management
  1. Improve stability of alert types checking.
  2. Improve stability of browser notifications.
  3. Send the product submit notification email to the admin.
  4. Delete account functionalities on profile page.
  5. Add updating total contacts.
  6. Add subscription related entities processing to the Subscription model.
  7. Add updateTags and addFolderById method to Subscription model.
  8. Add mass update of subscriptions.
  9. Set the default icon for a custom product in calendar events.
  10. Improve mass update routes.
  11. Remove big whitespace from the mass update table.
  12. Disable auto-removing currency in the mass update table.
  13. Update fix subscription history.
2.62 - Fixes For Application Mass Updates and Filtering
  1. Fix the mass update of the status.
  2. Fix the product type name on the mass update page.
  3. Fix tags input in the subscription adding popup on the mass update page.
  4. Fix the subscription adding on the mass update page.
  5. Fix the mass update type filter.
  6. Fix the filter button on the report page.
2.51 - Bug Fixes For Currency, Subscription Management, and Calendar Functionality
  1. Fix the default folder currency.
  2. Fix the incorrect folder type at subscription adding.
  3. Fix coupons button.
  4. Fix teams accounts processing.
  5. Fix calendar for user.
  6. Fix custom subscription names in the calendar.
  7. Fix email refund edit in calendar for expired day.
  8. Fix events date in calendar.
  9. Fix creating subscription with empty refund days.
  10. Fix time for notifications.
2.49 - Enhancements For History, Notifications, Subscriptions, and Calendar
  1. Clean history tables.
  2. Notification improvements.
  3. Restore next payment date and payment date upd for subscriptions history.
  4. Actualize subscription next payment date for history update.
  5. Revert notification improvements.
  6. Show coupons per users for admin.
  7. Update minified css files.
  8. Improve stability of email cron.
  9. Add the Notification Engine.
  10. Enable checkboxes for alert profiles.
  11. Add events to the calendar.
  12. Improve list of notifications in the calendar.
  13. Add cron task to migrate old notifications to new tables.
  14. Add additional event tables to recovery process.
2.40 - Fixes and Optimization for Subscriptions, Alerts, Webhooks, and Cron Jobs
  1. Fix subscriptions pagination.
  2. Alert profile fixed.
  3. Webhook tags fixed.
  4. Fix stuck of cron functions.
  5. Fix ltd number and value for folder select.
  6. Optimize speed and memory usage of cron misc job.
  7. Fix currency folder check for text input of folder name at subscription adding.
  8. Fix subscription creating after history table cleanup.
  9. Fix cron schedule after history table cleanup.
  10. Fix register new account.
2.31 - Enhancements for Product Adaptation and Currency Management in Subscriptions
  1. Product adapt improvements.
  2. Product adapt popup improvements.
  3. Add descriptions to api requests.
  4. Remove plan id duplication.
  5. Add a currency for subscription folders.
  6. Add currency labels for folders create and update.
  7. Add folder currency symbol in subscription adding.
  8. Show currency symbol for list of folders.
  9. Show folder currency for subscription cloning.
  10. Check currency at folder update.
  11. Set currency to all for old folders.
  12. Set labels for currency in subscription add and edit.
  13. Show folder currency for subscription update.
  14. Check folder currency for subscription update.
2.22 - Upgrading coupons, Linking teams, and Adapting products
  1. Upgrade LTD plan using coupon.
  2. Team user link to relevant pro plan.
  3. Product adapt feature.
2.10 - Webhook Improvements & Others
  1. Webhook improvement, we pass technical field names along with raw data.
  2. Improve JS and CSS minification to improve speed.
  3. Removal of Old legacy code for calc tables to improve performance.
  4. Minor Status fields rename to better reflect on dashboard.
Javascript & CDN Optimization
2.08 - Webapp & Backend Performance
  1. Move Reset button from profile to backup page
  2. Set subscription defaults for backup restore.
  3. Disable user logout after restore
  4. Improve cron schedule performance.
2.06 - Mobile API update

Reports API for mobile app.
Update Beta App androind build

2.03 - Server Infra Cron Functions
  1. Cron schedule performance improvement
  2. Add cron flags, to avoid parallel running
Backend & API Fixes
  1. API delete issue fix
  2. Team account user name fix
  3. Fix user id to migrate files - attachements
  4. Disable subscription history button
  5. Fix Woo webhook refund order
  6. Product dropdown improvements on Subscrioption popups
RESTful API development for Folders
  1. RESTful API development for Folders, Payment methods, Tags, Alert profiles, Product search
  2. Add variation field to Woo webhook
  3. Convert web cron to command line cron
Minor fixes
  1. Fix csv encoding for import products
  2. Subscription charts fix
Multiple Small platform Improvements
  1. Admin app update to Front website Web hook - Sync user ids
  2. Subscription attachment fix.
  3. Lifetime refund date display.
  4. Storage path changes
  5. Subscription image load fix
  6. Fix Xeno integration to use wp user id.
  7. Add favicons check.
Backup / Restore
  • Ability for the users to backup their entire account, Like a snapshot.
  • Also then restoring of this backup.
  • During Restore
Ability to attach invoice PDF
  1. Ability to attach invoice files
  2. Introduce Invoice storage per user and their limits
  3. Multiple file upload function.
More User-friendly Category List

Please make the category field more user-friendly, the whole list is not even alphabetically ordered and there is no search option, it takes a lot of time to find the appropriate category.
Also if we could add our own category, it would superb

Minor UI- Subs #1

Make Check button to how billing date toggle is. 
Fix this Button so it looks more elegant.
Some Subs screen improements. 

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